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How can I find a business or company on abarlink website?

In order to find a business or company on abarlink website, you can select the “Company” option at the search section. Enter the “Company Name” and click on the magnifier button. You will be directed to the advanced search page. A list of all companies with the search term in their name will be displayed to you. If you find your intended company on the list, you can go to its profile page, otherwise, you can use the “Company Advance Search” section to have a more specific searching. In order to do this, enter one or more of the following items:

  • Enter the “Company Code” if you know it. (If you enter the company code, importing other information will be useless. Because there is only one company with that code on abarlink website)
  • If your intended company has a certain “Credit Rating”, select that too.
  • Select the “Country” of that company or business.
  • You can select the “Province” of that company or business.
  • Select the “Business Type” and the “Legal Personality” of your intended company.
  • At the end, Click on the “Search” button.
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