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Is it possible to edit the business or company’s information from the company profile page?

When you registered your business information on the website, you can edit your information from the company profile page. The following items are editable:

  • When you hold the mouse cursor on the logo, the “Change Logo” phrase will be shown and you are able to change the logo of your company.
  • When you hold the mouse cursor on the background, the “Change background” phrase will be shown and you are able to change the background of your company.
  • There is an edit button in the company information section that you can go to the business information edit page and make your intended changes by using it.
  • There is an add button in the goods and services section that you can go to the add new product page directly and insert new goods and services on the website by using it.
  • For any of the special products, an edit button has been considered which allows you to enter the editing page for that product and make any necessary changes.
  • In the Addresses section, you can also enter a new address by using the Add button.
  • Each address also has an edit button that you can use to change the address.
  • In the news section as well as other sections, the addition and editing button is taken into consideration.
  • Addition and editing buttons are also considered in the business partners section.
  • For each product, service, address, coworker, and news section, you will only be shown the Add key if you have not entered any information.
  • If you have not entered any information for each section of goods and services, addresses, business partners and news, just the Add button will be displayed for you.  
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