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What is the payment method to pay the business or company identity verification request fee?

Several electronic payment methods are considered on abarlink website to allow users to pay the service's fee according to their intended currency. At the current time, these methods are supported:

  • Webmoney Payment Gateway: Webmoney is a fast electronic payment system whit more than 29 million users worldwide. Customers who have a Webmoney account and they intent to pay their plan’s fee in dollars, can use this payment gateway.
  • Bitcoin Payment Gateway: Digital currencies payment gateway is a way to expand business with domestic and foreign customers. With the extend of electronic money types like Bitcoin, Ehereum, Lightcoin and others, their popularity has grown more and more among online sellers and buyers, and there are also more requests to use these digital currencies in online trading. Therefore, abarlink has provided a feature for customers to pay their plan’s fee by using Bitcoin.
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